
Wow blackwind descent mount
Wow blackwind descent mount

wow blackwind descent mount

Repeat the above abilities until he gets to 20%.Everyone should hug during Feud for maximum healing. You want to keep everyone as high as possible here. During Feud Chimaeron stops all other attacks and just does lots of damage.Heal them back to above 10k before the next Caustic Slime/Massacre/Feud. You will need to use your fast and expensive heal for this. Caustic Slime will reduce 2/3 people to 1 HP.The second tank taunts the boss to take the Double Strike hits (two big hits). 1 tank takes all the normal boss hits.Except during Feud, no player needs more than 10k health, but every player needs to be kept at or above 10k health apart from the Double Strike tank who needs to be over 100k health.Mark one person to collapse onto during Feud. Use threat reduction abilities to reduce the risk of this. After a couple of seconds they will decide on a target and nom them. This is hard because they are only briefly tauntable/aggroable. The add tank needs to pick up the two large adds that spawn.In this phase the dps should simple nuke Maloriak. Repeat the cauldron cycle twice and by then you should be at the final phase which starts at 25% (don’t start this phase with Abberations up).Only when ALL of the released adds are dead can you dps the boss. During a green cauldron phase nuke the adds.


Ranged break people out of ice fast and heal that person to full fast before they are broken out.

  • During a blue cauldron phase spread out at least 10 yards.
  • They should move away from the group and stand to one side out of his cone attack. One person will be targeted with Consuming Flames.
  • During a red cauldron phase all stack on the main tank, apart from the add tank.
  • wow blackwind descent mount

    Managing adds is the single most important part of the fight. In 25 man you could have two add tanks either splitting the 9 or splitting the 18 adds. The add tank will need a lot of healing with 9 adds on him. Interrupt the first cast, then let 3 casts through, then interrupt until the green phase is over and start again. You want 9 adds available to burn during the green phase. The other interrupts Release Abberations.The three colored cauldron phases rotate, followed by a final burn the boss phase. Adds will target a player who needs to move away. Toxitron – Move out of poison clouds and kill the adds.Keep this tron still as much as possible. Running around will just kill those around you. If you are ‘aquired’ as a target stop moving and wait to be spam healed. Magmatron – flame jets will shoot all over the room but there are gaps in them so move into these.Electron – spread to avoid damage from Lightning Conductor (debuff on player) and Electrical Discharge.Interrupt Arcane Annihilator (including once he is shielded). Arcanotron – stand in the blue patches as they are good (unless you also need to spread out – reducing damage comes before increasing dps) and move Arcanotron out of them.When it casts a shield IMMEDIATELY stop dpsing it and hit the next one. When the second tron shields, a third tron becomes active and the first tron becomes inactive. After the first tron shields, a second one becomes active. The fight consists of four ‘trons’ with different abilities who appear in a random order.If you have mana top the raid and then DPS. DPS – you do double damage so enjoy it.This will change their action bars and they will get a new ability called Constricting Chains which they need to spam to impale Magmaw. To enter phase 2, 2/3 melee should jump on Magmaw’s head when he slumps forward (you will get a vehicle mount arrow).The tank should pop a cooldown towards the end of Mangle to deal with being eaten. The tank will get Mangled every so often and at this point both raid healers will want to switch to healing the tank as much as possible without the raid wiping.Ranged dps kill the adds as a priority and any slows you have should be used – no one should ever get hit by adds as this leads to horrendous damage and more adds.Get off of Pillar of Flame before it explodes.Don’t do it or your raid will laugh/yell at you. There is nothing to stop you running off of the edge into Magmaw’s pit.Someone must remain in melee range of Magmaw at all times or he enrages.Groups need to be able to move off of Pillar of Flame, though generally only the ranged group will get targetted. Arrange players in 3 groups – tank, melee group, ranged group.1 tank, 3 healers, 6 dps (3 should be in melee range).Since my historical crib sheets still see some views I’m going to re-post the ones I wrote as pages and link them up.

    Wow blackwind descent mount